Some of the many community based organizations and nonprofits that the Fiumara Law Firm has been actively involved with since its inception – see more.
1. City of Santa Rosa Schools
- Community outreach liaison volunteer and later paid position
- Volunteer at after-school tutoring program and built a gym for at-risk students
2. Social Advocates for Youth (SAY)-Sponsor/contributor to the Esperanza Program & Tattoo Removal Program.
3. Positive Images-Contributor/ supporter to LBGTQ, nonprofit youth organization.
4. Face-to-Face, Art for Life-Contributor/donor to nonprofit AIDS organization.
5. Senior Advocacy Services (formerly Sonoma County Ombudsman Program)-Past board member, contributor/donor and volunteer.
6. Santa Rosa Democratic Club and Alternate to the Sonoma County Democratic Central Committee
- Past president of the Santa Rosa Democratic Club
- Fundraising chair, contributor/donor/volunteer
7. California Parenting Institute (CPI)-Volunteer /sponsor/donor. Contributed financially to the new Southwest Santa Rosa Farmer’s Market, underwrote other events.
8. Friends Outside-Board member of nonprofit jail liaison program for inmates and their families. Volunteer/contributor/donor.
9. Sonoma County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce– Past co-chair of the Scholarship Committee, contributor/donor and Sponsor.
10. Sonoma County Cop Watch-Contributor and commentator for civil rights organization.
11. Sonoma County Post-Polio Foundation-Volunteer/contributor/donor. Speaker at various forums.
12. Creating Wellness-Contributor/donor/sponsor for a local nonprofit hospital canine program.
13. Women-In-Law-Nonprofit legal organization to encourage more women to participate in all areas of the judicial process. Active member and Scholarship Donor.
14. Cinco de Mayo-Contributor/sponsor/donor and active participant.
15. Downtown Santa Rosa Christmas Village-Sponsor/donor/volunteer and participant in the first year anniversary of free downtown children’s event.
16. Santa Rosa City Schools Career Day-Every year the law firm volunteers for Career Day and special topic discussions on the high school and junior high school campuses.
17. Windsor High School Indian/Hispanic Club– Volunteer and Participant in question-and-answer forums to encourage student participation in civics and democratic process.
18. Josue Christian Church-Volunteer/contributor/sponsor of food and clothing drive. Volunteer and participant in youth program outreach.
19. Roseland Prep School-Volunteer speaker and participant at Portfolio Day-contributor/donor to the mostly Hispanic Charter School.
20. Coalition for a Better Sonoma County-Sponsor/contributor of progressive speakers and ideas to keep the county green, clean, and progressive with smart development at its core.
This is only a partial list of the many organizations, groups, and political endeavors that the law firm attorneys participate and volunteer.